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The 2nd Dynamic Nuclear Polarization Symposium

Theory - Hardware - Applications - Radicals


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Organisation Committee

Thomas Prisner, BMRZ, Goethe University, Frankfurt
Burkhard Endeward, BMRZ, Goethe University, Frankfurt
Irina Solovyeva, BMRZ, Goethe University, Frankfurt
Mark Prandolini, BMRZ, Goethe University, Frankfurt
Marat Gafurov, BMRZ, Goethe University, Frankfurt
Sevdalina Lyubenova, BMRZ, Goethe University, Frankfurt
Vasyl Denysenkov, BMRZ, Goethe University, Frankfurt
Harald Schwalbe, BMRZ, Goethe University, Frankfurt
Volker Dötsch, BMRZ, Goethe University, Frankfurt
Clemens Glaubitz, BMRZ, Goethe University, Frankfurt

Scientific Committee

Robert G. Griffin, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, USA
Walter Köckenberger, University of Nottingham, UK
Songi Han, University of California, Santa Barbara, USA
Daniella Goldfarb, Weizmann Institute of Science, Israel
Christian Griesinger, MPIBPC, Göttingen, Germany
Claudio Luchinat, CIRMMP, Florence, Italy
Rolf Gruetter, EPFL, Switzerland

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